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Reverse Rotation camshaft Wanted

Reverse Rotation camshaft Wanted

I am trying to install an Olds 215 aluminum V8 in a Corvair. I have the engine, but need to...
Total views: 19
Price: $ 0.00
1961 Olds F-85 De Luxe

1961 Olds F-85 De Luxe

I'm parting out 1961 F-85 Olds. DeLuxe,V8-4door. See my auctions on e-bay (seller: 3chevelle) or inquire with your needOlds F-85...
Total views: 1150
Price: $ 0.00
1962 Olds Jetfire   Frame up restoration

1962 Olds Jetfire Frame up restoration

Magazines car for sale. It was featured in the December 2008 issue of Muscle Car Review and the June 2006...
Total views: 1084
Price: $ 39,500.00


Total views: 251
Price: $ 1.00
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