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Some people are having problems viewing the site using Internet Explorer version 9. IE9 is about 5 to 7 years old and doesn’t work with a lot of newer websites. If you have this problem,

1962 Jetfire Restoration


Have you been thinking about rebuilding your engine and transmission?  Follow JensenRacing77’s on-going project to restore his drive-train in the Forum.  His posts are a step-by-step description, including pictures, of the process. Join the discussion

Let’s Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Jetfire!


On April 20, 1962 Oldsmobile introduced the FIRST AMERICAN PRODUCTION version of the Jetfire, a car powered by a turbocharged, fluid injected aluminum V8 engine. The turbo charger boosts the output of the 215 c.i.

Recent Articles

Turbo System Safety Checks

Turbo System Safety Checks

The safety components of the factory designed turbo system have some interactive groups of safety "c...(read article)

Engine Front Drive Pulleys

Engine Front Drive Pulleys

The standard drive pulley has one groove. It drives the water pump/fan and alternator or generator. ...(read article)

1961-1963 F85 Car and Option Prices

1961-1963 F85 Car and Option Prices

Attached to this article is PDF file containing an extensive list of car and option pricing for 1961...(read article)

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